I welcome you to join me in my journey to a new creative way to celebrate every holiday and occasion. Yes, "occasion".
December 2011, I came up with an idea of an "Amplify Tree". "A tree to decorate for any season, for any reason".
Before I continue, the Amplify Tree, which I had slightly modified from an existing pre-lit artificial tree, is not in production, and still requires a little more attention before hitting the shelves. My ideas are on paper to complete the product, however, my idea is to sell my patent, remain on board; as I have endless ideas for this tree, and see this product on shelves within the near future, bringing joy to all.
Once the product is complete, I would like to see the Amplify Trees placed in life size boxes (approx. 5 1/2'), similar to doll boxes, exposing each mannequin head tree topper. Allowing the consumer the option to purchase the tree topper of their choice. Many more mannequin head tree toppers will be also be available to purchase through retailers, along with accessories, including clothing, footwear and costume jewelry.
The name, "Amplify Tree", came to mind as this tree is much "larger and greater" than your typical pre-lit artificial tree.
This is a tree that can be celebrated by "everyone". "Excluding no one"! It is a tree to be used to celebrate "your very own holiday and occasion"!
The Amplify Tree provide's you with an array of options. Enabling you to have it fully lit, partially lit, have it either indoors and/or outdoors, while taking up very little space in your home. Light weight. Easy to assemble and take down.
The Amplify Tree has brought me and my family much joy over the past year. We continuously come up with new ideas, while recycling items within our home or by purchasing new items from retailers.
AND, lets not forget to mention the Retailers.. Not only we, as consumers, have the priviledge to enjoy this tree, but retailers can as well, by "displaying their merchandise in their stores" on the tree, during 12 months of the year!
This is not your typical pre-lit artificial tree you set up, and take down in a week, for Christmas, it's a tree you can transform into something creative, month after month. :D While taking up very little space in your home.
I live in a townhouse with two small, active children. It's a 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom, small kitchen, and dining room with a small living room. Our Amplify Tree is situated in our dining room, and we have not noticed any difference when it comes to space. However, we do notice it, and it has fulfilled our lives with laughter, silliness, joy, and a closeness that we all once had before we had to keep up with the Jones' and to compete with electronics and deadlines.
The Amplify Tree is a creative, unique, 'one of a kind', fun way of building memories with our loved ones everyday, celebrating holidays, and more occasions throughout the year. The Amplify Tree is a tree that was slightly modified to take on the form of a female silhouette. It's prelit, which allows you to have it fully or partially lit. It may be set up Indoor and/or outdoor, while taking up very little space. Perfect for any condominium /house or apartment owner. As I have mentioned earlier.
We, as a society, need to get back what we once had, "family & friend gatherings", your typical kitchen party, if you will, celebrating occasions - and holidays. We are all guilty of being caught up in our daily lives with work, transporting our children from here to there, that we have forgotten how to take time to come together more, cherishing what matters most, "family and friends".
As a consumer, you can celebrate, every holiday - (ie) New years Eve, St. Paddy's Day, Easter, Canada Day, Halloween, the four seasons, and yes, even Christmas. You may even celebrate special occasions such as, Ones profession, a Graduation, Family Reunions, the Birth of a Child, Stagettes, Stags, Mothers Day, Girls Night, Tea Parties, Princess Parties, Sporting events, an 'In Memory' event, Retirement Parties, Weddings, Self Help Groups, to Charity events (Breast Cancer Awareness, Child Find etc.) Meanwhile coming up with new ideas. The list is endless.
As a retailer, you can advertise your merchandise and products for all the above holidays and occasions, by displaying items on the tree.
I will admit, the Amplify Tree is far from ordinary, but so am I, but not so different when comparing it to the Chia Pet that's been in circulation for more than 10 years or the new Christmas Palm Tree that was introduced last year. :D
This tree is different, and unique, so it does takes that unique, adventurous, open-minded, creative, person to really appreciate it. I can guarantee it will bring much laughter into your home for many years to come, while getting the most use out of your pre-lit artificial tree that you "once upon a time", purchased as your Christmas tree. ;)
needs tldr
ReplyDeleteyou are batshit crazy
pls lev.
To Tanagar.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to bash on someone's idea,
please learn to spell first.
I'm having a hard time imagining one of these in my house. You're passionate about it and that counts for a lot though.
ReplyDeleteHow on earth did I end up here. Please tell me this is a joke? This Tree idea is a joke right?
ReplyDeleteThis is the worst dragon's den pitch ever! The Christmas Palm tree and Chia Pet are succesful because there is a market for these products! People in hot countries would buy a Christmas Palm Tree at CHRISTMAS! People would buy a Chia Pet because it is SMALL, CHEAP, AND FUN TO GROW! No one is going to buy a huge tree with a manequin head on it and. Christmas trees take up a lot of space no one is going to want to have one that is ugly and mishapen. Your new years, family reunion and bride trees all still look like misshapen CHRISTMAS TREES. With mannequin heads on them. I am pretty sure from your words and tone that you are trying to be serious but that this was really a joke idea. Well the joke is on you and all the other idiots who come on Dragon's Den with SHITTY PITCHES. Dumbing down what is otherwise a VERY GOOD SHOW. That is when they show REAL PITCHES.
ReplyDeleteWhat is with people from PEI coming on the Den with stupid ideas? This woman and then there was the guy from PEI selling land deeds 10 km away from Anne of Green Gables film set. The land parcels were 1/8th of an inch in size and he was selling 100s of thousands of them for pennies. What a joke both these PEI pitches are! Must be some funny water over there in PEI
What are your sales and gross margins?
ReplyDeleteWhat a stupid idea! :(
ReplyDeleteyou are batshit crazy
ReplyDeleteWhere do I get one
ReplyDeleteCant believe this is true, when I saw it on dragons den I was sure it was FAKE LOLLL ... Wow she's crazy
ReplyDeleteCant believe this is true, when I saw it on dragons den I was sure it was FAKE LOLLL ... Wow she's crazy
ReplyDeletethis is a great idea except for the heads on top...why not a bunny for Easter or times square ball for new years...a turkey for thanksgiving etc.